Rottness Island

Rottness Island
Sun and Snorkeling

Game 1 vs Senators

Game 1 vs Senators
Yes I know the jerseys are ugly, haha... getting new ones in a couple weeks

Monday, March 15, 2010

Blog Post #3

Family and Friends,

Been another week and now time for another blog post... Want to apologize for not being a great writer, I'll continue to do my best write about my time in Austrailia and share my life with you...

This past week has flew by...
It was a week of waiting and spending time with friends...
Last week I shared about being in limbo about playing in our first game, all week we waited, we as in the team, coach and I waited to see if whatever paper work that needed to be done got done...
I spent the week preparing as if I would be playing... I worked out daily, with shooting and lifting and practice... and finally friday came along, I did the normal things I would do, ate brekky(Aussie word for breakfest), read, did one of my classes, read somemore, practiced some guitar... then went to gym around one o'clock to shoot... since the whole week had passed and we still haven't got any confirmation about playing or not, coach said we would probably find out by Friday(gameday) at 2:00... so after I shot, I went up to one of the offices to visit with my friend and pastor at the church Anthony... while visiting I received a call from Coach saying "go get a pregame meal, your suitin up tonight,"... found out at that time also that my american teammate Luke, for the last couple weeks had been told that he didn't have a chance at playing for at least a couple weeks, because of compications, that he is playing too... needless to say I was over joyed and thankful that it all came through and it was offically GAMEDAY!

That night we played vs the Stirling Senators... I didn't know anything about them til right before the game... which is normal for playing overseas, becasue that's the way it was when I was in Germany... unlike college where we spend 1-3 days preparing for the next team we play...
I approached the game just like I do every game... i try to give it my all, not for myself but for my teammates and that I am playing for a greater Audience than the scoreboard and fans but as a worship act to the Lord for His glory not my own... because it's an honor to serve a loving God, even while playing a game...
We play 12 minute quarters, which might not seem like a lot but it adds up when you are only used to playing 10 or 20 minute halves...
we started out the game well, leading 29-18 at the end of the first quarter... 51-42 at half time... and in the 2nd half we really took control and got but by 16 quickly in the 3rd and controlled the game the rest of the way... we ended up winning by 20, 101-81... can check all our stats on the SBL website...
I had 27 points, 11 rebounds and 4 assists...
Was a good start for our team, great to start off the season with a win... back to work this week!

Other things that are goin on for me...
On wednesday nights, I was invited a few weeks ago to go to a Bible study with a group of people from the church that are around my age... that group has been goin thru the book screwtape letters by C.S. Lewis... havent had a chance to read that book, but hope to sometime... I gone once and we have gone thru 3 chapters and discussed part of the book and discussed questions that are part of a study guide... most importantly we go thru Bible verses and how they relate to parts of the chapter we just went thru... It's been great getting to know some more people and to share life, prayers and knowledge with each other... very thankful for this group of new friends that I have...

On saturday i relaxed some, being a little sore from the game the night before... didnt have the chance to go back to Rottness, but hope to someday during the week... that is one of my favorite places I have ever been... lifted some on saturday and right at sunset I went back to my house showered and drove down to the beach to have tea(dinner in aussie) with my host family on the beach and watch the sunset... it was wonderful and beautiful... it was alittle cloudy so couldn't really see the sunset, but one time the clouds broke and the sun peaked thru and the sun reflected off the ocean right toward us on the shore, a beautiful orange bouncing right as us... one of the prettiest things I have ever seen... when I was there on the beach it made think of Psalm 8, only 9 verses of beauty, but my favoriteis vs 3-5,

3 When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,
The moon and the stars, which You have ordained,
4 What is man that You are mindful of him,
And the son of man that You visit him?
5 For You have made him a little lower than the angels,
And You have crowned him with glory and honor.

after the beach I went to watch a couple of my AIA teammates(Kasey and Bobby) from the fall tour play... got to visit with them after the game and went out to eat with Bobby and caught up with him... took him to church with my the next day... was great to catch up wtih those guys... its great having friends in the area... Especially fellow followers of Jesus, becasue we have it planned to get together once a week on monday mornings to have a Bible study, prayer, and some accountability amoung brothers... there should be about 6 of us AIA guys that live close and know each other pretty well that we can do this... very excited about being able to do this with these guys and take some of what I have been learning and share it with these guys...

just a prayers request for my friend John Farwell and the group of AIA guys goin to Kyrystan(not sure on spelling) they were exspecting 7 guys a couple days ago and only 2 have arrived... they have had lots of issues with flights... so just pray that those men make it there saftly but most of all that God would get the glory thru all these tough circumstances...

love you all

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